27 Ocak 2009 Salı

cherkaoui on cherkaoui

"If I have to label myself, I would rather go in the direction of religion. I increasingly want to say, ‘I create religious dance’. The idea of religion is actually ‘joining together’. Joining an audience to what happens on stage, in a sort of ritual. I want to think of a performance in terms of a ritual where people come together to stage something that may be a reflection of reality, perhaps a reflection of the future, or the past. That’s the way I see it, much more than something concerning my ego. Whether that has anything to do with any higher value there may be... It is regrettable that the word ‘religion’ is so often misunderstood. In that respect, what is so good about dance, compared to drawing and things like that, is that it is a social art. You have to talk to or dance with someone all the time. And it is not always a language question. You communicate through your body and words. Dance has a tremendous social aspect."

2 yorum:

  1. ah bu cherkaoui yu bir türlü canli olarak sahnede göremedim. insallah buralara da gelir bir zaman.

  2. sidi larbi cherkaoui hayranlarına ve onu merak edenlere:
    iksv tiyatro festivali genel sanat yönetmeni dikmen gürün hanım, sidi larbi cherkaoui ile epeydir haberleştiklerini, istanbul'a çok gelmek istediğini ancak mekansızlıktan dolayı bunun 2009'da da gerçekleşemeyeceğini söyledi ve, 2010'a akm yetiştiği takdirde sidi larbi'yi ancak o zaman istanbul'da seyredebileceğimizi ekledi.
