bir yıl önce istanbul modern'deki "gölgeye övgü" sergisi sayesinde işlerini istanbul'da görme şansına erdiğimiz ressam, illüstratör, animasyon filmleri yönetmeni, sahne tasarımcısı-yönetmeni ve kuklacı william kentridge 2010 kyoto ödülüne layık görüldü.
ödül metninden:
"Underlying his works and activities is a determination to examine universal issues confronting modern people. He accomplishes this by traveling back through the history of visual expression, persistently questioning such issues as the ways in which people may build a relationship with the world, the ambiguities of goodwill and oppression, and the conflicting and ambivalent disposition of the individual. While remaining in the remote country of South Africa, Mr. Kentridge continues to make a great impact on contemporary art in Western society. His world, full of sharp intelligence and profound poetry, exerts great influence on other artists — and provides individuals worldwide with courage and hope that their attempts and practices may still be effective and fundamental, even amid the stagnation of our contemporary society, swirling with political and social unrest."
güney afrikalı sanatçının bir çok sahne çalışması avrupa'yı turluyor; atina'da ve 2010 kültür başkenti essen'de "i'm not me, the horse is not mine" enstalasyonu, yine essen'de handspring puppet theater ile "il ritorno d'ulisse in patria", cenevre'de yine handspring puppet theater ile "woyzeck on the highveld" sahneleniyor.
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